Have you got a Covid Clause

Have you got a Covid clause in your Tender letter?

Email for our latest addition to the model tender letter.



The Covid pandemic isn’t over and it's one of the biggest interrupters to the economy we have ever seen.

Electrical Estimators should be considering allowances for direct and indirect disruption.

It can impact you and your business in several ways, internally and externally.

Covid Internal Factors

Internally your workforce and management resources may be prohibited from moving freely or forced to self-isolate.

Covid External Factors

Construction Site will have additional precautions to follow, these may vary by site and are bound to impede your working day, it may be that the procedures prevent between 5% and 20% of the work being carried out normally.

This could be twofold, restricted space to work to maintain social distancing and hygiene measures taken to restrict the spread.

You may also experience supply chain/sub-contractor interruptions due to manufacturing delays or transport and shipping delays.

Existing Contracts

You may have contracts that commenced before Covid and have restarted with new restrictions not known about when you contracted to do the work you most certainly will be faced with additional costs

The link below is to the Construction Leadership Council's cost assessment toolkit and many other resources.

COVID-19 Cost Assessment Toolkit Launched

Email for our latest addition to the model tender letter.
